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Green Procurement

Green /Sustainable Procurement & Procurement Procedures for Development Partners (World bank, EU & AFDB)

In the current global context of rapid urbanization, population growth, climate change and biodiversity
degradation, developing sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects is one of the most urgent challenges. The training on Sustainable Procurement & Procurement Procedures enables participants to understand that Infrastructure lasts so long the kind of infrastructure, we build today matters well into the future. That means, our infrastructure choices today influence the quality of the life of our children and their children.

In the forthcoming 15-20 years, we are going to build about 1.5 times the infrastructure that already exists today.
We have to make sure that our decisions and investments are made wisely.
This course provides knowledge, builds expertise and provides tools on the planning, financing, procurement, contracting and implementation of sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects.

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